Reimagine warehousing, logistics and pick & pack with new labor-utilization insights from Volan. We can add location intelligence to your warehouse operation so that you can provide the most efficient, cost-effective service to your customers. Our location technology give your company powerful operational insights from real-time micro-location data. Volan’s technology provides a real-time view into the precise location and movements of people every few seconds to enable better, at the moment, data-driven labor utilization decisions. Read our blog posts on warehousing.

5 Ways Location Intelligence Can Optimize Warehouse Operations

Warehousing and fulfillment operations today are faced with more challenges than ever in seeking higher operational efficiency in an increasingly competitive market. Location intelligence is changing how warehouses operate, from optimizing profit margins to ensuring safety compliance. Location intelligence software can help your company improve efficiency, reduce unproductive hours and increase profits.

Increasing Workforce Productivity

Workforce productivity is the sum of what employees do each day. Put simply, this concept denotes the total amount of goods and services produced through an understanding of an organization’s biggest asset — its people. Payroll often ranks highest among company expenditures, sometimes using up to one-third of a company’s revenue. With labor shortages impacting the supply of available workers and turnover rates, employers must hire the right people and ensure that they’re creating environments for employees to be able to work in the most efficient manner. Hiring, onboarding, and productivity standards are extremely important for businesses to invest in.

White Paper: 7 Technologies To Achieve Industry 4.0 Innovation, Today

We have written a white paper 7 Technologies To Achieve Industry 4.0 Innovation, Today outlining critical technologies that manufacturing and warehousing companies can implement to drive innovation, improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase profits. Together with the white paper, we have included one of our successful customer case studies and a brief company overview.