Volan is a new, revolutionary micro-location technology built to optimize labor productivity and worker safety. As mobile assets and people move throughout the worksite, the Volan Positioning System publishes micro-location data to the Volan network every few seconds producing a virtual cloud of XYZ positioning data. Our 100% wireless BLE mesh network creates geofenced spaces of any size, indoors or outdoors, or even underground. Our software and sensors create a virtual map which tracks all activity entering, leaving, and moving within each geofence. Sensors publish the data packets throughout the mesh network through relay sensors that deliver them instantly to our analytics engine. Micro-location data is processed and secured in an encrypted analytics database. Volan’s patented system automatically forms its own dynamic wireless mesh network anywhere in minutes. No dependency on smartphones, GPS, Wi-Fi, or fixed infrastructure. Easy to deploy, reconfigure, and scale. Read our blog posts about our technology.

What is Workforce Optimization?

Workforce optimization is center stage in the conversation about how organizations can make better decisions regarding their resources and employees. In a time of unprecedented change, organizations are tasked with fundamentally rethinking how they work. From medicine to manufacturing, employee productivity remains more essential than ever. In this sea of change, industry-leading companies are finding opportunities for innovation and efficiency—and workforce optimization is a vital component of these processes.