Our Construction Solution equips construction companies with virtual geofenced barriers for their sites, ensuring efficient worker tracking in an environment with frequent comings and goings. Traditional portable tracking technologies fall short for construction projects due to their inherent flaws. GPS positioning suffers from latency and inaccuracy, while consumer smartphones and wearable devices are prohibitively expensive. Our construction barrier system addresses these technological challenges, providing an accurate, cost-effective solution that enhances both safety and efficiency on site. Read our blog posts about Construction.

The CFO’s Secret Weapon: Micro-Location Tech Transforms Airport Financials

Our Ramsey Nuwar examines the challenges faced by airport CFOs in tracking contractor labor hours and says that micro-location technology is a solution. Our technology provides real-time data on contractor movements, enhancing safety, labor utilization tracking, and financial oversight. It aids in preventing overpayments, mitigating financial risks, and improving future project planning and resource allocation. By adopting micro-location systems, airports can significantly optimize costs, increase productivity, and enhance stakeholder reporting, paving the way for more efficient operations.

Trust AND Verify: Using Technology to Track Airport Construction Labor

Imagine airport CFOs having a digital window offering complete transparency into contractor work hours on construction projects, eliminating reliance on self-reported time cards. Micro-location systems, like the Volan Positioning System, ensure precise tracking of contractor presence and movements, mitigating financial risk from potential overpayments. This technology aligns digital records with construction invoices, providing CFOs irrefutable proof of labor accuracy before payments, enabling airport leaders to optimize resource allocation and better anticipate labor demands.

Innovative Technology Enhances Lone Worker Safety at Airports

Airports increasingly recognize lone workers’ unique safety challenges within their expansive facilities, prompting a proactive approach to enhancing safety through innovative technology. Drawing inspiration from safety solutions deployed in hazardous construction sites, airports are now adopting wearable sensors and private mesh networks to swiftly detect incidents, pinpoint worker locations, and transmit critical information for a rapid response. By leveraging these cutting-edge technologies, airports aim to create a safer environment, demonstrating a steadfast commitment to worker well-being while ensuring that no worker is truly alone in case of emergencies.